Lavender Bouquet Subscription

This summer, we are excited to start providing a lavender bouquet subscription that will deliver fresh lavender bouquets to your home or office!

How does it work?

When our lavender field begins to bloom, usually around the first week of June, we will start our lavender subscription deliveries. We will be offering two different bouquet sizes for the season. Our standard size bouquet is perfect for a small vase and may include some accent flowers and fresh greenery depending on the week. Our premium bouquet includes lavender and an assortment of other flowers grown on the farm. When you sign up, you will have the option to choose between a weekly delivery (8 bouquets) or a bi-weekly delivery (4 bouquets), as well as note any delivery instructions and sign up for delivery reminders.

On the day of your delivery, your bouquet will be harvested, arranged, and stored in water. Later that day bouquets will be dropped-off at your home or office in a container you provide and if desired, we will send a delivery confirmation message indicating that your bouquet has arrived and it ready for you to enjoy!

For this first year, we are offering this service to the Nolensville area (37135 zip code) only. In future years we hope to expand our delivery service to several more areas in Middle Tennessee. If you are interested in bouquet deliveries outside of Nolensville, please let us know, as this will help us determine where to offer our delivery services in future years!

If you are interested in our lavender bouquet subscription service, you can find out more details on our shop listing. We are also offering an early-bird special this year to those who sign up before March 31st! Receive 10% off your subscription when you use discount code ‘LVDR2020’.


Now Scheduling Lavender Season Photo Sessions


Lavender Field Photo Sessions