Summer Farm Update

Photo Credit: Andrea Farmer Photography

Photo Credit: Andrea Farmer Photography

Summer is in full swing and it has been a busy couple of months here on the farm. As our summer events come to a close, I thought it would be a good time to share a recap of the happenings on the farm in June and July and let everyone know what to expect for the fall.

June marked our fourth lavender season on the farm. Each year has looked very different from the one before. The first year our lavender bloomed, I was very pregnant and we harvested the entire field in a day and hung our flowers to dry and then had a baby and didn’t do anything with the product until life had settled down a bit. Now our lavender season spans several weeks and is filled with photo sessions and uPicks, and we also harvest and bring fresh lavender to our flower CSA members and the farmer’s market. This is also the last year we are planning on harvesting from the field we originally planted in 2017, as we have a 1/2-acre of lavender planted for next season past the creek! However, we have some exciting things planned for this space, and look forward to sharing that with everyone this fall!

Photo Credit: Amber Beckham Photography

Photo Credit: Amber Beckham Photography

Usually things slow down a lot for us once the lavender finishes blooming. We have planted small sunflower fields that bloom in the fall and have a few photographers use it for pictures, but this year we decided to really expand our sunflower field and sowed approximately 100,000 sunflower seeds that all bloomed in July. We had lots of great photo sessions, offered several uPicks, and hosted our first Date Night at the farm!

This month will be a bit quieter on the farm. We are taking some much needed family time and starting to plan our fall sunflower events for September and October. We will still be at the Nolensville Farmer’s Market August 7 and 28 with lots of mixed bouquets, and you can also reserve the farm for photo sessions in our zinnia field this month. Looking forward to sharing more details about our fall events in a next few weeks!

Photo Credit: Amber Beckham Photography

Photo Credit: Amber Beckham Photography


Fall Events on the Farm


Picnic Date Night in the Flower Fields