Posts tagged lavender bunch
Weddings with Menkveld Farm

Over the last year we have had a lot of requests from brides and wedding planners asking about dried lavender for bouquets and wedding decorations. Lavender makes beautiful wedding bouquets and there are so many beautiful and unique ways it can be used to decorate venues and place settings and be used for wedding favors. We have enjoyed developing some products for our wedding line over the last few months and hope many brides will enjoy them on their wedding day as well!

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Lavender Harvest 2019

We have been extra busy at Menkveld Farm the last few weeks with our second lavender harvest. The lavender was ready about a week earlier than last summer, which surprised us given how nice the spring had been here - lots of rain and not too hot. As we near the end of harvest season, we are enjoying the purple that is still in the field, and while we are ready to spend some time at the pool, we are thrilled about everything that has been happening this harvest season. Here is a quick update of some of the things we have been up to.

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Upcoming Events: June 2019

The lavender plants are starting to shoot up new growth and show the early signs of flower buds! This means harvest season is right around the corner for us and that fresh bouquets of lavender will be available once again!

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