Posts in Menkveld Farm
The Ducks are Back!

Over the last few months though we have intermittently brought up getting ducks again. Our daughter absolutely loves animals and we missed the fresh eggs every day. Plus the ducks were very entertaining! We kept holding off though because of different projects and commitments that were keeping us busy. However, in mid-March we finally pulled the trigger and bought three grown ducks.

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Weddings with Menkveld Farm

Over the last year we have had a lot of requests from brides and wedding planners asking about dried lavender for bouquets and wedding decorations. Lavender makes beautiful wedding bouquets and there are so many beautiful and unique ways it can be used to decorate venues and place settings and be used for wedding favors. We have enjoyed developing some products for our wedding line over the last few months and hope many brides will enjoy them on their wedding day as well!

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Upcoming Events: June 2019

The lavender plants are starting to shoot up new growth and show the early signs of flower buds! This means harvest season is right around the corner for us and that fresh bouquets of lavender will be available once again!

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How to Use Lavender Sachets

Lavender sachets are some of our most popular items sold at Menkveld Farm. However, when people first hear about them, they often wonder what they can be used for. Today I am sharing some of my personal favorite uses for these wonderful lavender bags!

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Thank You

Thank you to everyone who stopped by the Menkveld Farm booth on Saturday at the Nolensville, Buttercup Festival! We had a great time and were able to meet so many wonderful people. We hope to see you at the Buttercup Festival again next year. In the meantime, subscribe to our blog to get updates on the farm throughout the year, and sign up for updates on when fresh lavender is for sale this summer.

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Menkveld Farm at the Buttercup Festival

Spring is in the air, the daffodils (aka buttercups) are blooming, and the Nolensville Buttercup Festival is right around the corner! This year, we are very excited to announce that Menkveld Farm will be hosting a booth at the 20th Annual Buttercup Festival!

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Why We Grow Lavender

Our business grew out of our desire to live life as naturally as possible and avoid chemicals and medication when able. We wanted to grow and raise our own food and learn how to use plants medicinally. In parallel, I was also trying to learn everything I could about being a cut flower farmer. I don’t know about you, but a vase of flowers on my kitchen table brings a smile to my face every time I see it, and I loved the idea of looking out my back window to a field of flowers in bloom.

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